Friday, April 22, 2011

AWF Hall of Fame

This is an illustration I did for my friends in Puerto Rico for the AWF.

El AWF: Artist Wrestling Federation colocó en la misma noche, sobre el mismo lugar a más de 10 artistas que dentro de un ring de luchas batallaron por la mejor pieza lograda en periodos de tiempo de solo minutos. Junto a una exposición que estaba sobrecargada (en buena manera) de crítica social y destellos de performances aleatorios, el repertorio musical independiente daba la mejor atmósfera para cualquier adicto a las artes, la música y el lifestyle.

I'm Late

I'm Late! (FAF 2010) from AAU Fall Animation Festival on Vimeo.

This was the animated introduction for the Fall Animation Festival 2010 at the Academy of Art University. Is a collaborative project the I directed. I had the time of my life working on it and learn so much from everybody and for that I am very thankful.

Broken Heart

Broken Heart from Yamil Medina on Vimeo.


More Berto!

Vacation Trip

This is an illustration I did for the magazine "Bacanal", this is also from a story that some friends of mine are developing for a short animation, the I help with the character design.